Friday, February 16, 2007

Bradley Unversity Herf is going down!

Well its official! My girl friend and I are going down to BU for the weekend. I can't wait, its going to be an awesome weekend. I've got my bags packed and I'm bringing along at least 6 cigars with me to share with my buddy and his friends. I really hope they enjoy the cigars, hopefully we have some good conversations, good smokes and good....sodas. Hope all of your weekend's are awesome! I'll be sure to report back on how it all went.


PS: This is my 20th post! woohoo!!!!


CJOHNSEN3 said...

6! Just 6! Hell, I'd pack 6 just for MYSELF, much less moochers...

Eric said...

Did you kick anyones ass while you were there? If not, it wasn't much of a party - esp. in college.


Hope it was a good time and you turned more peeps into future BOTL's.